Simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Article Writing

There is a copious amount of how to create appropriate search engine optimization article writing on the World Wide Web. This article is distinctive in that it will show you very easily the process of writing a search engine optimization article beyond comparison. I have thought about the steps to make them as effortless to follow and this is what I have produced based on my perusal of hundreds of SEO “how to” articles.

Search Engine Optimization Writing Process

Initially, it is imperative to thoroughly explore your keyword. This process includes pinpointing your article’s purpose. You will then proceed to a keyword tool site and scrutinize the keywords for the ones that match your article’s objective. These are marvelous because they also provide you with supplementary keywords that you probably haven’t even thought of.

Once your keyword search is complete, an exhaustive investigation of content must follow to reach search engine optimization. This means you are compelled to search everything under the sun about your topic. Your compilation of information will lead you unmistakably to write authoritatively about your subject which is the only way to become trustworthy, informative, persuasive, and increase search engine optimization in your writing which, in turn, yields higher earnings for you or your employer. The public recognizes writing that is integral and explicative.

Your have meticulously researched your topic and now you need to begin writing. You must include your keyword in your title. DO NOT overlook this because this is one factor in incrementing search engine optimization.

Some employers will require a separate description before the actual article writing begins. Others will ask you to include the description in the introductory paragraph. Either way, it should include your keyword once or twice using proper sentence structure. For search engine optimization of your article, this description or sketch of your page should be between 100-150 characters and be concise, yet captivating enough so that viewers can get the essence of what your site’s purpose is and choose to enter. Writing keywords within the beginning of the article (whether it be the description or introductory paragraph) will be part of the reason you will have a higher ranking on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) when a viewer types in your keyword.

Once you begin, accommodate your keyword at least 3 times (or depending on your article’s length) within the body of your article. Furthermore, add your keyword in your conclusion since this is considered another powerful factor that will hike your ranking on the SERPs, thus increasing your number of viewersSubmit article
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