Be Happy That You Have Stopped Smoking But Remember the Good Times Before You Quit!

Remember The Happy Times Before you Stopped Smoking? The reason I posed this was because I want you to understand there were lots of good times before I stopped smoking and that the world does not end when you quit. It is just the beginning.

When I say that you must be happy when you stop smoking. I am not saying you were not happy before. What I am suggesting though is that you will be much happier when you quit.

If you search the internet you will notice there is an almost tragic doom and gloom attitude presented by others in order to coerce you to stop smoking.

Some even show videos of the most terrifying diseases that smoking causes. Lung cancer, cancer of the throat etc.

It is not the way to go to stop smoking. Too many people have tried to stop and failed because they have been told that your life has been terrible and that you will soon die if you continue to smoke. That in order to become happy – Dampfshop.

This is very depressing and depression is that last thing you want when you begin to think seriously about quitting smoking.

Your mindset must be in place properly before you can even begin.

It goes something like this:

Most likely it is either your present or potential health concerns or your money troubles that the trigger the desire to quit.

Both of them are real concerns – so right off the bat you are worried about these issues as we all are. This is natural.

This is where the proper mindset must be implanted in your brain. And it is not depression. It is a determination – to be almost stoic in your approach.

But what happens is the nicotine addiction begins its control over you which often negates both of the above concerns. It should not control you. It really should not be what is controlling your life.

That is where what I call ‘stick-to-it-ness’ is necessary. Persistence is a very important aspect of stopping smoking. It is not difficult nor is it impossible. It is do-able and with ‘stick-to-it-ness’ you will soon begin to understand how to stop smoking very quickly and very easily. So stick with it.

I’m Jim Creech – The Creecher

I’m a bilateral below knee amputee with congestive heart failure – caused by smoking. However, neither of these made me stop smoking. Until I discovered the Secret to Quitting Smoking I couldn’t quit.






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